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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor day weekend, Day one.

I am trying to finish my laundry but all of the dryers are OCCUPIED!! I stood there for about 20 mins for someone to come in and take their finished loads. No one I decided to go back to my room and come back in about 15-30 mins. By the way--it costs one dollar per washing machine load and 75 cents per dryer load. Today, I spent $3.50 for laundry. (OMG I did math! Isn't that surprising...)

Anyway, I took two tylenol cold daytime pills. I think I have a cold because I have nasal congestion, runny/itchy nose, irritated throat, and a minor headache due to my congestion. I had brunch around 12:45PM (delicious omelet, not-so-good- french toasts, carrots, and dry fries with ketchup...). After lunch, I took one benefiber (I suffer constipation) and it helped! Also, from now on, I am going to try to drink water from the sink and test how it is. The water doesn't taste very well, but I hope that it doesn't contain anything that will make me sick. My stupid water filter doesn't really work and I am drinking those sediments that are in the filter. I think that is making me sick because every time I drink my "filtered" water, my stomach gets upset. I also hate spending all my money on water bottles!!! I could use them for laundry!

I also bought two nutritional bars. One is called Luna for women and the other is called Cliff bar. They contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein!! I will try both of them, one on tuesday, and the other, on wednesday. Whichever I like, I will go back to safeway and buy a week's worth because I am going to eat them for breakfast. I can't run around school with an empty and monster-growling stomach! People can hear that and I can't concentrate! I also fart more when I have an empty stomach...

Pop-tarts, cinnamon muffins, and biscotti isn't doing well for me, as my breakfast meal. They are either too sweet or not enough filling.

Today is the Adams State football game and I didn't know it. I noticed it when I walked outside of the dorms (on my way to the Student Union Building, where the cafeteria is). I saw the stadium seats filled with cheering people and bands. I don't know if my roommate is playing because his helmet is sitting on his desk, right next to me. I hope the best for all of those players! *Update* We lost :(

I didn't go because I didn't feel like it and I don't want to sit in the sun for hours. Not only that, I don't have anyone to go with...Instead, I had gone to brunch and started my laundry. I did go to several sport events (football, soccer, and basketball), last year, and I enjoyed watching them :)

I am going to try to start my homework today and clean up my room a bit. It's very untidy and dusty. Gosh I am so tired...andd all of my roomies are gone for the weekend (Idk about Jonathan. Perhaps he's at his girlfriend's, where he usually is).

I must go to the laundry room now and see if the dryers are vacant.

Until then,

~ Michael

**Update** I went back to the laundry room and stood there for about 10 minutes. FINALLY a girl came in and took two of her finished loads out of two dryers. As soon as she left the room, I took the dryers! :) Just as I was filling the dryers with my clothes, a student came in to try to occupy the dyers. He had THREE loads. I am sure glad I waited, stubbornly. He left because the rest of the dryers were still occupied, half of them finished and half of them running. In 60 mins, I will return to get my laundry and fold them.

1 comment:

  1. OMM, your suppose to take others clothes out and fold them on the table...duh. hahaha.
