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Monday, August 31, 2009

Week Number 2

I should have heard from the Alumni Affairs department of my school, about the work-study position. I had done an interview with Gaylene, on Thursday and I think I "sort of" had done well. Although, because I didn't have a lot of practice or professional interviewing experience, I could have done better. I could have said certain things I didn't mention; I could have been less animated; and I could have been more professional and more prepared. I was a bit confident that I could be hired. Her smiling to me when I told her why she should hire me, rather than all the other applicants, boosted my confidence a bit. She did not notify me on Friday morning (as she said she might) and today. Now, I am worried. This must mean that I wasn't hired! I am desperate for a job and I need money! I will have to confirm her decision, by seeing her tomorrow.

*deep sigh*

I am tired. I have a lot of homework to do. I need to read, study, and take notes for Business and Psychology. I also need to read for Major Themes in Literature (short story called A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner), and complete my online math assignments.

Time is ticking fast and I still have a lot more to do. I am not as far, in my assignments, as I should be.

Yesterday, my campus card "expired" for some reason. I couldn't get lunch (although the nice lady let me through) and enter the locked doors that lead into the dorms. It was weird but I got it fixed today.

The sink is still clogged...I called for the maintenance person, on Friday; and again today. I was assured that the maintenance person was going to come over this afternoon. He or she never came. So now, I have to physically go to the Housing Office AGAIN and request a maintenance person to fix the sink! I WILL annoy them until I get my request--and may even go to a higher authority. Yes, I am stubborn (and no, Drano didn't work.)

Last week was really busy. I had a lot of appointments to attend. I also began my classes for the first time of the week. I like my classes; they are good, so far. I am not enthusiastic about my math 099 class. This is my THIRD time taking it...I got lazy the first semester and I worked my ass off the second semester, but the teacher was HORRIBLE! I hope to pass this class successfully, this semester. I was going to drop the class, take a break from it, and take a journalism class. Alas, I decided not to--and my father thought it was a bad idea to take the class at a different school (I mean, if this is my THIRD time--I'd ought to pass it, eh?)

Oh yes! I had also met my roommate for the first time, on the weekend before school started. He is VERY nice. His history is touching and his passion is motivating and inspiring. I hope all the best for him. If I could, I'd certainly help him. I am very glad he is courteous and polite :) My first roommate during the first semester was absolutely rock bottom. I have a laundry list of why--but won't get into that. Let's just say I moved out and got my own room.

I came to the dorm room first--so I got the window side! I like how I arranged my room and it's comfortable. My roommate, Jonathan, has the other side of the room. Although, he is not here often. He mostly hangs out with his girlfriend at her apartment. That is fine by me; I get my own privacy. He hasn't made his bed and hardly brought anything to the room, except for his bathroom necessities and some clothes. Occasionally he stops by to take a shower. When he does visit, we talk here and there. It's a way of socializing (and acknowledging him) and not making the atmosphere awkward. I typically ask how his day was and tell him some things that are going on with me. Then we go from there. I also met his girlfriend. She is very nice and really pretty. She's got a curvaceous body and a flawless hairstyle.

He also has Major Themes in Literature with me. I was a bit surprised--and that is not a bad thing.

I have to go now and work on my homework (or procrastinate). I hope the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets will arrive tomorrow. I ordered it on Friday, at the library (because the stupid campus library doesn't have it!!!!). I have a thirst for the book and I want to read it NOW.

Until then folks, I'll prolly update you tomorrow.

~ Michael

(Retrieved from Ted Kooser's Delights & Shadows poem book)

The Sailor cannot see the North,
but knows the Needle can.

- Emily Dickinson, in a letter to
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 1862


  1. ack a brocken sink is sooo not cool. and they didnt even bother calling you back or anything!!! gahrag, lol you SHOULD anoy the heck out of them lol.

    Have fun reading the new harry potter book when your book store gets it in or you get it at the lybrary!

    Hope everything works out alright with the job, and the sink. Hang in there mike, once you get the school work done youll be home free well, at least untill you get more.

    best of luck!

  2. Don't you already have all the Harry Potter books already?

  3. Yes, I do. I didn't bring them though...
